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I’m Carla Thomas better known as Fly Carla. I’m a celebrity stylist and TV Host who enjoys traveling. I’m always on a plane or in a showroom.

New Podcast: The Tea Behind My Thailand Trip + Every Year is My Year!

New Podcast: The Tea Behind My Thailand Trip + Every Year is My Year!

Pictures nor words can describe my trip to Phuket and Bangkok, Thailand. It was such an awesome experience. After 20 hours of traveling, I was engulfed into a culture that just blew my mind. I look at everything differently since I’ve been back home; from my eating habits ( Thai food is flavorful, quick to make and fresh), how I lack nothing (Thai people aren’t concerned about money [although some of very wealthy], they are more concerned about their happiness), and how community is everythang ( the people of Thailand all seem to be on one accord).

I went to Thailand with One Love Travel Club (which I highly recommend!) and it was my first time traveling with a travel club. I realized that although, I loved participating in the pre-scheduled events, I’m more of a solo traveler. I love venturing off to explore on my own or just lounging by the pool with a good book in hand.


But One Love Travel Club does the best job at planning a trip that immerses you directly in the culture of the country that you are visiting. Once in Phuket, we volunteered at a local school, took a cooking class and went island hopping. When we were in Bangkok, we took a scooter tour around the city and saw the Ayutthaya ruins. It was just a dope experience. It was a trip of no bras, no makeup and converses. It was freedom!

Peep my new podcast as I go in-depth about my amazing trip and how from now on, I decided every year is my year!


Why I traveled with One Love Travel Club (14:45)

Thai food has changed my whole life (22:23)

I no longer worry about the upcoming week, I just seek to master the day (37:39)

I decided every year is my year (41:44)


  • This is a book for my fly girls who are struggling in their search for purpose and happiness. Click here to purchase
Watch My News Segment!

Watch My News Segment!

I'm in Thailand! Here's Why I'm Traveling With One Love Travel Club!

I'm in Thailand! Here's Why I'm Traveling With One Love Travel Club!